Thursday, October 14, 2004

Pakistan Pleads for Sharing Space Science and Technology

By Mohsin Zaheer
United Nations New York October 12: Pakistan has pleaded for increased efforts so that the benefits of space science and technology could be shared by all countries.
Addressing the Special Political and Decolonization Committee of the UN General Assembly on its agenda item concerning International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space here today, Pakistan delegate, Senator Mouhim Khan Baloch emphasized that outer space could be utilized for the establishment of communication infrastructures for early warning systems which could mitigate the effects of natural disasters.
Following is the text of Senator Baloch’s statement: -
“Mr. Chairman,
Pakistan attaches great importance to the work of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) which promotes the peaceful exploration of the treasures of the outer space for the collective benefit of all mankind.
May I begin by thanking Ambassador Abiodun of Nigeria, the Chairman of the committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) for introducing its report.
. Pakistan has had the privilege of Chairing the Working Group of the Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee of the UN COPOUS since 1990. We welcome the development by the Sub-Committee of templates on questionnaires relating to the implementation of the recommendations for UNISPACE III. We also support the recent widening of geographical representations for the chairs of the Sub-Committees.
Mr. Chairman,
I would like to use this opportunity to briefly dilate upon my delegation’s position on some of the key areas within COPUOS purview.
. Outer space has been declared the “province of mankind” and Pakistan supports all efforts aimed at promoting ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes. We believe that militarization of outer space needs to be avoided at all costs, and if possible, reversed. We would like to call on the international community to intensify efforts to prevent the weaponization of outer-space, including the exploration of ways and means of establishing a comprehensive and effective legal mechanism to this end. In our view, in spite of arguments to the contrary, addressing this issue falls well within the competence and mandate of COPUOS.
The General Assembly, in its resolution 41/56, adopted the “Principles relating to the Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”. These important principles set out guidelines for remote sensing and provide safeguards against the abuse of remote sensing techniques which might be detrimental to the interests of other states. Pakistan supports the incorporation of these principles in a more binding legal instrument. We also wish to underscore the importance of easy and low cost access to remote sensing data for developing countries which could provide them a wide range of useful applications.
. Pakistan attaches great importance to COPUOS efforts aimed at disaster mitigation and management Support. Pakistan’s national space agency SUPARCO is also operating, since 1991, the Pakistan Mission Control Centre as well as the Pakistan Local User Terminal for International COSPAS-SARSAT Search and Rescue Programme. The latter serves as a Ground Service Provider for Disaster Management Support. The service area of this station covers several countries in the vicinity of Pakistan as well as the Arabian Sea. We believe that with new emerging technologies, outer space could be utilized for the establishment of communications infrastructures for early warning systems, which could mitigate the effects of natural disasters.
. Pakistan believes that efforts must be increased so that the benefits of space science and technology can be shared by all countries, including the dissemination of satellite-based data and teaching assistance and training in institutional capabilities. We wish to draw this Committees attention, in this regard, to adverse impact of limited voluntary contributions for the UN Programme on Space Applications. My delegation stresses the need for greater voluntary contributions for the Trust Fund for this Programme not only for long-term and short-term training facilities for the developing countries but also the implementation of the COPUOS earlier recommendations in this regard.
Mr. Chairman,
In conclusion, I wish to re-affirm Pakistan’s commitment and support for the effective implementation of the Vienna Declaration in promoting cooperation among the Member States in space science and technology and to share the benefits of peaceful research in outer space without any discrimination.
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