Thursday, August 03, 2006

5 Day Workshop--High Performace Computing

5 Day Workshop: High Performance Computing
A Short Hands-on Tutorial on Programming
Parallel/Distributed Platforms

August 7 - 11th, 2006

In Collabration With

The University of Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A.

Hosted by The Ghullam Ishaq Khan Institute

General Information

Computational mechanics involves large-scale problems with the analysis phase alone requiring over 10 Tflops. This necessitates the use ofparallel computing paradigms to perform the computations in a reasonable simulation time. However, just taking a sequential code and running it on a parallel platform does not work. In this tutorial we will review basic parallel computing approaches and analysis techniques in the context of computational mechanics. These approaches will be demonstrated using two different parallel programming styles: message passing libraries such as MPI and shared memory programming standards such as Open MP. For both these styles hands-on programming sessions will be conducted on a Beowulf PC cluster for training the participants on parallel programming.

This tutorial is suitable for faculty, students, and industry practitioners interested in using parallel machines and requires as a pre requisite basic programming skills in FORTRAN or C.

About the Lead Instructor

Dr. Ashfaq A. Khokhar is Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIC USA. Dr. Khokhar has published over 120 technical papers and book chapters in refereed conferences and archival journals in the area of wireless networks, multimedia systems, data mining, and high performance computing. He has supervised research of numerous PhD and MS students who are currently serving in leading universities, research labs, and industry. He is recipient of the prestigious NSF CAREER award in 1998. His paper entitled "Scalable S-to-P Broadcasting in Message Passing MPPs" has won the Outstanding Paper award in the International Conference on Parallel Processing in 1996. He has served as the Program Chair of the 17th Parallel and Distributed Computing Conference (PDCS), 2004, Vice Program Chair for the 33rd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2004, and General Chair of the Workshop on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2004. Dr. Khokhar has been nominated for IEEE Fellow in 2006. His current research interests include: high performance computing, wireless and sensor networks, multimedia systems, and data mining.

Copyright C. PakSEF 2002 - 2006

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