Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The Khwarzimic Science Society has organized a popular lecture on Thursday,30 November 2006:

The speaker will be Dr. Waseem Akram, Assistant Professor, Department of Agro-entomology, Agriculture University, Faisalabad. He is currently leading a researh group in Faisalabad conducting research on ways of counteracting and forecasting the outbreak of mosquito-related diseases, especially those protracted from the Asian Tiger mosquito: Asian Tiger Aedes albopictus/aegyptus. Dr. Waseem Akram is also the Associate Editor of the journal, "Entomological Research", published by the Blackwell Publishing Asia Pvt. Ltd.

I would request you to extend this invitation to your colleagues, friends and family members. This is an important topic that concerns our health and safeties. The numerous deaths reported due to dengue fever in our country are really a wake-up call to changing our societal lifestyles and pressing upon the government and non-government organizations to act swiftly and
soundly. Please do not miss out.

The time and venue for the lecture are 12 pm (noon), at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Quaid-e-Azam (New) Campus, Punjab University, Lahore. The date is Thursday, 30 November, 2006.

Best regards,

Muhammad Sabieh Anwar
Joint Secretary Khwarzimic Science Society, Lahore

Copyright C. PakSEF 2002 - 2006

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