Friday, May 18, 2007

Protest - GST imposed on IT equipment

Pakistan Computer Association (PCA)

Internet Service Providers Association of Pakistan (ISPAK)

Computer Society of Pakistan (CSP)

cordially invite you to join a

Peaceful Protest

to express rejection of the IT industry

on imposition of General Sales Tax (GST) on

Computers and Networking Equipment

and to demand with drawl of GST in Budget 2007-07

22 May 2007, Tuesday at 2:30 pm (sharp) in

front of CBR, Constitution Avenue, Islamabad

Come one - come all to express solidarity and to demand repeal of oppressive taxes on computers and networking equipment in a country where no tax is charged on billion dollar properties, palaces and agricultural landholding while educational and research tools are heavily axed and taxed.

Professionals from IT industry, IT education, call centers, software houses, computer vendors and ISPs will join the protest.

Your half an hour of time can save future of our IT industry

Copyright C. PakSEF 2002 - 2006

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