Thursday, February 07, 2008

Effects of Fibre Outage through Mediterranean

A recent study at Stanford was conducting regarding the recent Internet outage in much of the Middle East, and India.

Interestingly, Pakistan to the most part wasn’t affected as much as other countries in the region. This is also mentioned in study as a tribute to Pakistan , quoted below.

It is interesting that some countries such as Pakistan were mainly unaffected, despite the impact on neighboring countries such as India . This contrasts dramatically to the situation Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)in June - July 2005, when due to a fibre cut of SEAMEWE3 off Karachi , Pakistan lost all terrestrial Internet connectivity which resulted, in many cases, in a complete 12 day outage of services. This is a tribute to the increased redundancy of international fibre connectivity installed for Pakistan in the last few years. [More...]

Click for Stanford Study

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