Wednesday, January 28, 2004

OPEN Silicon Valley Quarterly Networking Event, 6:00 PM, 2nd February, 2004

Keynote Speaker: Shahid Javed Burki, CEO EMP Financial Advisors
Venue: Westin Hotel, Palo Alto

Mr. Shahid Javed Burki is the Chief Executive Officer of EMP Financial Advisors, LLC. He served at the World Bank as Vice President of the Latin America and Caribbean region. As Director for China in the East Asia and Pacific region, Mr. Burki designed and implemented the World Bank's lending program in China. In August 1993, Mr. Burki advised Moeen Qureshi, Pakistan's caretaker Prime Minister, and took an active part in developing the country's reform program. In 1996/1997 he served as Pakistan's Minister of Finance, in the caretaker cabinet. Mr. Burki studied at Oxford University (Rhodes Scholar) and at Harvard University (Masons Fellow).

The event is open to all. Please register at in advance. This event is free of charge for OPEN members.

OPEN Distinguished Speaker Series Event, 6:00 PM, 9th February, 2004
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Richard Newton, Dean of Engineering at UC Berkeley
Topic: Information Architectures for the Developing World
Venue: Crowne Plaza Cabana, Palo Alto

Dr. Richard Newton is the Dean of Engineering at the UC Berkeley and the founder of CITRIS - the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society. He is particularly interested in the creation of disruptive business models for the application of new technologies in developing countries, such as coupling open communications networks (distributed wireless sensor grids), ultra low-cost electronics and bio-engineered devices with new business models (e.g. Grameen Phone Project).

This event is open to OPEN Silicon Valley members only. Please register at in advance.

Planning to be in New York on February 11th?
Join OPEN New York Event Featuring Victor Menezes, Senior Vice Chairman, Citigroup

The event will feature prominent executives from the Financial Services sector in a discussion about ?Entrepreneurship and Opportunities in the Financial Services Sector?.
You can register at:
For more information, please contact us at

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Please visit to become a member. Member benefits include:
- Free access to quarterly events
- Reduced cost access to focus groups and special events
- Ability to join the OPEN Fellows Program to participate actively in OPEN events and interact with charter members
- Preferential access to present business plan at charter member meetings
- Networking opportunities with charter members, OPEN fellows and general members

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