Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sindhi SMS & Multilingual Online Dictionary unveiled

Cross-posting from Tech Lahore

The University of Sindh at Hyderabad recently unveiled a number of interesting projects developed by its faculty and students. The projects were showcased at an exhibition inaugurated by Dr. Rabia Sheikh, the Pro Vice Chancellor of the University. Three of our favourites were:

1) A multilingual software dictionary that includes English, Urdu and Sindhi translations; this is a good addition to online tools that are relevant for millions of Pakistanis. We need more of them. We talked about street maps in a recent post, well, we need them all. Multilingual email, better Pakistan-centric VoIP services, multilingual dictionaries… bring ‘em on!!

2) Sindhi language SMS applications for mobile phones; this one is particularly important now that the mobile phone penetration has reached over 55 million users in Pakistan. Local language support will greatly enhance the usability and usefulness of technology.

3) Digital display boards with embedded GSM/GPRS control modules; this again shows how inexpensive technology can be used to solve what were previously pretty substantial problems. You can plop one of these billboards anywhere in the city and remotely manage the content it displays… without laying any physical wires or bothering to connect the system up to a copper phone line. [More...]

ScitechWire is an online S&T publication put out by the Pakistan Science and Engineering Foundation, also referred as PakSEF that is a non-profit 501(c)(3) California based organization --

1 comment:

Michal Tasiemski said...

We have already developed a bilingual communication system for all Java supported mobile phones.
At the moment it is a Polish-English Dictionary with 15.000 entries (words and phrases).
This Open Source project can be use for any pair of languages.
Our website:
LexiTools allows building, editing and sending bilingual text messages.